Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote 2008

Yea I voted!!! I was a little worried about the lines, so when I dropped Kolbee off at preschool me and the babies went to vote ( I thought it would be easier with just 2 kids compared to 4!) But when I got to the polls they weren't to bad and I was done within 10 mins.. I called Mike about that time and told him if there was anyway to take an early lunch and drive down there he should since it wasn't to busy!! Anyways I'm just glad it's over and it wasn't to bad so now the waiting of who will be our new president begins... finger crossed :)


Summers Family said...

Amen to that! I hope McCain wins! I mean... that IS who you voted for... RIGHT? I feel for all the people who are waiting til last minute to vote, the lines weren't bad for us either!

Anonymous said...

Well McCain didn't win and we are all still alive-so I guess life will go on, at least I'm trying. I had to wait about 1.5 hours to vote. In our small town I think it was unheard of. Yikes!

lofgreenlegacy said...

Well, I'm so depressed that McCain didn't win. I mean seriously depressed. Dave's ready to divorce over it. Our country goin' down, you watch!